Navigating the Microsoft PowerPoint Interface, Creating and Saving a Document, Applying Font Effects, and Print Options.
PowerPoint is Microsoft’s presentation program that allows users to create slideshows to convey information in rich multimedia. Each file is known as a slideshow and consists of slides on which users can insert content such as text (typically in a list), tables, charts, graphic organizers, illustrations, and videos.
A. File Menu and Backstage View - When you click the File menu, you see the Backstage view that contains all the creation, save, share, and print options for your presentations.
B. Quick Access Toolbar - Displays shortcuts to the commands used most frequently.
C. Ribbon - Contains all of the commands needed to edit your slideshow.
A Command is a button, box, or menu to apply an action.
Commands are organized into Groups which are collected together under Tabs.
D. Slides Pane - Located on the left side of the interface, the Slides pane shows thumbnails of all the slides in the open presentation.
E. Slide Area - Displays the active slide.
F. Task Pane - The Task Pane contains more options and appears when you choose an option in one of the Ribbon tabs.
G. Status Bar - A horizontal strip that provides information about the opened presentation like slide number, etc.
H. Notes Pane - Right below the active slide, this is where the speaker notes are written for the current slide.
I. View Buttons - Essentially there are three view buttons on the Status Bar displayed towards the left of the zoom-in and zoom-out.
Click on the Start button on the taskbar. Click on the PowerPoint 2016 program in the list of programs that display.
When you open the program, the start screen will appear. This gives you options for opening recent presentations, a new blank presentation, or a presentation from a template. Click Blank presentation to open a new blank presentation.