Learn the basic of Word on this class.


Desktop computer or laptop with Internet connection.

Basic understanding of how to navigate on the internet and use Zoom.

Audience: adults

We will be using a free version of Microsoft Word.

Patrons are not required to purchase any Microsoft subscription for this class.

Please plan to join the meeting 10 minutes prior to the program so your device has time to connect.

Zoom may ask you to download and install the application file for you to join the meeting. Download and install the file so you can connect to Zoom.

The Zoom link will be emailed to register participant before the class. Look for an email from [email protected] around 5 pm or earlier. Please enter your email correctly on the registration form so the Zoom link is sent timely.

If you have a camera & microphone, you will be muted during the program. Unmute yourself to talk or use the chat box or Slack to ask questions. Questions are encouraged.

Note: we will be using Word Online on this class, anybody can get Word Online for free. If you have Word on your computer, this class will help you too.

If you have Word in your computer, please make sure it is no more than 5 years old.

Don't have Microsoft Word? Do not worry, follow these steps.

Class Description